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Report antisocial behaviour

Antisocial behaviour is anything that causes fear, harm, alarm or distress to one or more people not of the same household. This means behaviour which impacts negatively on a resident’s or visitor’s quality of life in and around their home.

Call 999 if you or someone else is in immediate danger, or if the crime is in progress.

Call 101 to contact the police if the crime is not an emergency.

You can also contact Crimestoppers to report a crime anonymously. They will pass the information about the crime to the police.


Start the journey


More info about the journey

You will need to provide us with the details and address or location of the antisocial behaviour. Any report to us is confidential and we will not tell the person causing the nuisance who has made the complaint.

We will visit or write to the person causing the nuisance and keep you informed of the action we are taking or give you advice as necessary. We will work with other agencies such as the police, youth service and NHS to try and resolve the problem.

When this content has been updated

Last updated 19 June 2023