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Exeter Green Circle Walks

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2. The Alphin Brook Walk

The Alphin Brook Walk (about three miles) - follows the valley of the Alphin Brook. The upper section of the brook flows through rich agricultural land. This is separated from the city by a ridge of hills. As it reaches the Exe valley the brook is tamed in a modern channel to prevent it flooding the old village of Alphington. The channel also protects its modern neighbour the industrial estate of Marsh Barton. Discover views and locations that are all part of Exeter but which often seem miles from a city.

Download the Alphin Brook Green Circle Walking Leaflet [1.4MB]

Access information

Unsure whether you can manage the route? Click on the link below to download the leaflet for the whole route. It shows which sections are accessible to all, and the nature of any obstacles along the rest of the path.

The Whole Green Circle and its accessibility (2MB)