Street trading

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1. Overview

Street trading is the selling of or offering to sell things in the street.

In Exeter streets are designated:

Consent streets

ALL streets are controlled by way of consent granted by the Exeter City Council with exception of Licence and Prohibited streets.

Trading on any street without the appropriate permission is an offence which may be prosecuted by the Licensing Authority.

Licensed streets

You will not be allowed to trade on a Licence Street without a licence granted by Exeter City Council Markets and Halls Department. Please contact us online (select Licensing) for further information.

Prohibited streets

Trading is not allowed on prohibited streets at any time.

If you wish to trade on private land then you will need to obtain full permission from whoever owns the land.

If you hold a pedlars certificate you will not require a consent or a licence. Please see the our guidance to make sure you comply with the Pedlars Act. 

Please complete an application on the next page if you are applying for a licence to trade on a Licensed Street of require consent to trade on a Consent Street. You will also need to contact us to arrange an appointment with a licensing officer.