Our cemeteries

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1. Visiting our cemeteries

Our Higher, Exwick and Topsham cemeteries are open to the public at the following times:

April to September

  • Monday to Saturday: 9am to 8pm
  • Sunday and bank holidays: 10am to 5pm

October to March

  • Monday to Saturday: 9am to 4pm
  • Sunday and bank holidays: 10am to 4pm

You can park at the cemeteries but please take care not to block access and be sensitive if a funeral is taking place.

Find a grave

You can now search for graves online using our scanned Burial Index Cards or make an appointment to look though burial registers by using our Contact Us form.

We can also search for you. Where accurate information is provided and a search will not take long, we do not charge for a single item. However, for searches that take a lot of time we may make a charge (see Fees and charges).

There is no charge if you want to find a grave so it can be opened for a new burial.

The 3 cemeteries we manage are the resting place for over 100,000 former residents, including the victims of cholera epidemics, the Theatre Royal fire of 1887 and the Exeter Blitz in World War 2. 

You can find out about historic and interesting graves and memorials at Exeter Memories: Exeter's Cemeteries and Graves.