Key priority: Get People Active

We would like to support local projects that make it easier for people to be more active. This may include walking, dance and running groups, exercise groups for older people and children’s activity sessions.

Physical activity is important across all ages. Active play and recreation is important for early childhood as well as for healthy growth and development in young people. While at the same time, older adults, in particular, can benefit from regular physical activity to maintain physical, mental and social health and enable healthy ageing.

We know that being active in everyday life brings wider benefits to individuals and communities.


Examples of projects that could be funded under this priority

Forest Bathing – Forest Bathing is spending time in a forest to reduce stress and feel a sense of wellbeing, being active and connecting with nature and the environment. Active Devon supported this project through the Connecting Actively to Nature programme.

Walk and Talk – Funding to support training a team to deliver walk and talk sessions for mums that have just had their babies. Funding can support training sessions and teas and coffees that happen after the walk and talk.

Swim to the Sea – Project to support people to develop their swimming skills initially in a swimming pool to develop the confidence to be able to eventually swim in the sea. One of the outcomes of this project could be to help develop a community group that eventually go swimming independently as a group.

Projects that have been supported that focus on ‘Getting People Active’

Khaos Outreach for Women: A series of dance and theatre workshops designed to empower young women. Working closely with other local artists including the Director of Dance in Devon the workshops included a live production of a contemporary dance and music inspired by the Women’s March.

Heavitree Running Group – received a grant to train local run leaders and to purchase safety equipment. The running group hold a number of running sessions throughout the week designed for participants regardless of their running ability. There are a range of sessions including 3k, 5k, 8k and 10k, C25k, half Marathon training and walking to suit everybody, encouraging people to get more active. The group has been really successful regularly attracting 50 plus runners each session with new people taking part each week.

CITY Raiders YFC – A youth football club was funded to buy equipment, kits and hire a qualified coach to run a U12 football team. It also runs a number of youth football clubs in the city.

Inclusive Exeter Park Walk – This project supports Black Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities become more active by offering  light and informal walking groups.


Our other key priorities

  1. Address Inequalities 
  2. Improve Health and Wellbeing 
  3. Get People Active 
  4. Support Communities Working Together to Address Local Needs 
  5. Encourage Volunteering 
  6. Improve Where We Live
  7. Support community-based arts and cultural activities

When this content has been updated

Last updated 20 October 2022