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Document for application/appeal number: 20/0229
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- Application Details
- 18/02/2020_A116502 Care Home Exeter Rd Topsham 30Jan20
- 18/02/2020_4818_01_PEA
- 18/02/2020_11082_FE_Design and Access Statement_Rev C
- 18/02/2020_Contamination
- 18/02/2020_11082_PL_102 Softworks GA sheet 1 of 4
- 18/02/2020_11082_PL_104 Softworks GA sheet 3 of 4
- 18/02/2020_11082 PL 100 Landscape General Arrangement plan (reduced)
- 18/02/2020_11082_PL_103 Softworks GA sheet 2 of 4
- 18/02/2020_11082_PL_105 Softworks GA sheet 4 of 4
- 18/02/2020_11082_PL_110 Planting Schedule
- 18/02/2020_11082_Landscape Strategy
- 18/02/2020_11082_PL_107 Hardworks GA sheet 2 of 4
- 18/02/2020_11082_PL_106 Hardworks GA sheet 1 of 4
- 18/02/2020_11082_PL_108 Hardworks GA sheet 3 of 4
- 18/02/2020_11082_PL_109 Hardworks GA sheet 4 of 4
- 18/02/2020_11082 PL 101 Landscape Sections
- 18/02/2020_11082_ Landscape Maintenance and Management Plan
- 18/02/2020_Noise Impact Assessment - Land North of Exeter Road Topsham
- 18/02/2020_Planning Statement
- 18/02/2020_1704-REP-SS01-Topsham-Sustainability Statement
- 18/02/2020_TS4
- 18/02/2020_TP1
- 18/02/2020_Application Form
- 18/02/2020_Drainage Strategy Report_Topsham_20020-ARC-XX-00-RP-D-0001-P0
- 24/03/2020_Email to agent enc Acknowledgment letter
- Comments and Objections
- 30/03/2020_Consultation response RD&E NHs Foundation Trust
- 07/04/2020_Consultation Response - Environmental Health
- 07/04/2020_Consultation response - DCC (Highways)
- 07/04/2020_Consultation Response - DCC (LLFA)
- 08/04/2020_Consultation Response - Police ALO
- 14/04/2020_Objection - Geoff and Jan Bateman
- 06/05/2020_Consultation Response - Revised RD&E NHS Foundation Trust correcting error in previous
- 04/09/2020_Revised consultation response DCC (LLFA)
- Decision
- Drawings and Plans
- 18/02/2020_11082_PL_003 B - first floor plan
- 18/02/2020_11082_PL_011 B - Elevations - Sheet 2
- 18/02/2020_11082_PL_002 B - ground floor plan
- 18/02/2020_11082_PL_005 A - roof plan
- 18/02/2020_11082_PL_016-B - Site Block Plan
- 18/02/2020_11082_PL_015-B - Site Section
- 18/02/2020_11082_PL_004 B - second floor plan
- 18/02/2020_11082_PL_001 B - Site layout plan
- 18/02/2020_11082_PL_012 B - Elevations - Sheet 3
- 18/02/2020_11082_PL_010 B - Elevations - Sheet 1
- 18/02/2020_Site Location Plan
- Officers Report
- Other Application Information
- 29/04/2020_Agent email enclosing Phase 1 & 2 Investigation Reports in response to EHO comments
- 12/05/2020_Agent email enclosing further information in response to EHO comments
- 19/06/2020_Agent email enclosing Ventilation Statement
- 06/08/2020_Revised Drainage Strategy Report (Via email)
- 09/09/2020_Agent email agreeing extension of time
- 10/09/2020_Email to agent enclosing Decision Notice
- 07/07/2020_Officer Report