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Document for application/appeal number: 20/0321
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- Application Details
- 04/03/2020_Superseded Broom Park Wild GTChecklist
- 04/03/2020_Superseded Broom Park EA
- 04/03/2020_Broom Park Wild ConsChecklist 2 Superseded
- 04/03/2020_Broom Park images Superseded
- 04/03/2020_CIL form
- 04/03/2020_Superseded 1415 Design Access Statement 1 14
- 04/03/2020_Superseded 1415 Design Access Statement 15 27
- 04/03/2020_19030 Flood Risk Assessment Main Body Superseded
- 04/03/2020_19030 SK001 B Soakaway Feasibility Study
- 04/03/2020_Superseded 19030 Flood Risk Assessment Appendix A
- 04/03/2020_Superseded 19030 Flood Risk Assessment Appendix B
- 04/03/2020_Superseded ACD2155 Land at Broom Park Nurseries Topsham Report
- 04/03/2020_HoT FINAL
- 04/03/2020_PS FINAL
- 04/03/2020_Initial Screening and Dust Risk Assessment 15277 SRL RP YQ 01 P2 Land Adjacent to Topsham Road
- 04/03/2020_Application Form
- 04/03/2020_Covering letter FINAL
- 04/03/2020_Superseded Transport Statement TS1
- 24/03/2020_Email to agent enc Acknowledgment letter
- 27/07/2020_Land Adjacent to Topsham Road Air Pollution Mitigation Measures 15277-SRL-CO-YQ-01-P2
- 27/07/2020_BroomWild GTChecklist
- 27/07/2020_BroomWild ConsChecklist
- 27/07/2020_Broom Park P1 map(1)
- 27/07/2020_Bungalow adjacent golf driving range bat assessment June 2020 (1)
- 27/07/2020_Broom Park images(2)
- 27/07/2020_Broom Park badger letter (1)
- 27/07/2020_Bungalow images(1)
- 27/07/2020_Revised Broom Park EAa
- 27/07/2020_Broompark Nurseries bat assessment June 2020 (1)
- 27/07/2020_Revised 1415 C Design Access Statement Pages 15 27
- 27/07/2020_Revised 1415 C Design Access Statement Pages 1 14
- 27/07/2020_Revised ACD2155 Land at Broom Park Nurseries Topsham rev 1
- 27/07/2020_Broom Park Topsham geophysics report 2004TOP R 1
- 27/07/2020_7363 Broom Park Nurseries 16-6-20v (24-7-20 change 64 to 61 houses)
- 27/07/2020_CIL House Type and Plot Schedule
- 27/07/2020_Covering letter FINAL(2)
- Comments and Objections
- 27/03/2020_Consultation response - Wales & West Utilities
- 30/03/2020_Superseded Nhs RD&E Consultation response
- 25/03/2020_Consultation response - Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service
- 31/03/2020_Consultation response - Police ALO
- 01/04/2020_Objection - Oenone Thomas
- 01/04/2020_Objection - Jennifer Pearson and Tony Colvin
- 01/04/2020_Objection - Linda Bartlett
- 02/04/2020_Objection - Barnaby Row
- 06/04/2020_Objection - Hilary (Lily) Neal
- 07/04/2020_Consultation response - Environmental Health
- 08/04/2020_Objection - Pauline Sturtridge
- 14/04/2020_Objection - Topsham Society
- 14/04/2020_Objection - D Burdick
- 15/04/2020_Objection - D McLarin
- 15/04/2020_Objection - Christine Barkla
- 15/04/2020_Comments - DCC Education
- 16/04/2020_Objection - Exeter Golf & Country Club
- 16/04/2020_Comments - Natural England
- 16/04/2020_Consultation Response - Natural England
- 16/04/2020_Consultation Resonse - Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust
- 16/04/2020_Consultation Response - DCC (LLFA)
- 16/04/2020_Consultation Response - RSPB
- 27/03/2020_Objection - Adrian Folland
- 27/03/2020_Objection - Jocelyn Kingsnorth
- 14/04/2020_Objection - C J Brightman
- 15/04/2020_Objecton - PM Brightman
- 15/04/2020_Objection - Chris May
- 16/04/2020_Objection - James McMurdo (On behalf of Exeter Golf and Country Club)
- 20/04/2020_Objection - James McMurdo (Info adding ExeterG&CC-NewPracticeGround2020Fence)
- 28/04/2020_Revised NHS RD&E Consultation reponse correcting error
- 28/04/2020_Objection (Supplemental) - Topsham Society
- 29/04/2020_Objection - Margaret Wilson
- 08/07/2020_Additional Justifcation Consultation response - Torbay & South Devon NHS Foundation Trust
- 30/07/2020_Email reconsulation with EHO
- 30/07/2020_Reconsultation email DCC Highways
- 30/07/2020_Reconsultation Email - DCC (LLFA)
- 07/08/2020_EHO - updated response
- 09/09/2020_Consultation response DCC (Highways) Broompark_EX_0321_2020
- 11/09/2020_Revised consultation response from DCC (LLFA) 20.0321.FUL
- 09/09/2020_Consultation response ECC Principle Project Manager (Heritage) Officer
- 10/10/2020_Further representation Topsham Society sent to Planning Committee Members
- 10/10/2020_Further Representation - Exeter Golf and Country Club
- 28/01/2021_Revised Consultation response DCC (Education Authority)
- Decision
- Drawings and Plans
- 04/03/2020_1415 P101 C Superseded Existing Site Plan
- 04/03/2020_1415 P104 B Refuse and Cycle Storage Plan Superseded
- 04/03/2020_1415 P103 B Enclosures Plan Superseded
- 04/03/2020_1415 P102 J Superseded Proposed Site Layout
- 04/03/2020_1415 P105 B Parking Plan Superseded
- 04/03/2020_19030 100 F S278 Works Superseded
- 04/03/2020_8147 1 Site survey drawings
- 04/03/2020_1415 P120 A Proposed Street Elevations AA BB Superseded
- 04/03/2020_1415 P121 A Proposed Street Elevations CC DD Superseded
- 04/03/2020_1415 Ap 1 A Appley Plans L Shape Superseded
- 04/03/2020_1415 Ap 3 A Appley Plans Narrow Front
- 04/03/2020_1415 AP But1 But2 T2 A Appley Buttley 1 2 Elevs Terrace s/s
- 04/03/2020_1415 AP But1 But2 T1 A Appley Buttley 1 2 Plans Terrace
- 04/03/2020_1415 Ap 2 A Appley Elevs L Shape Superseded
- 04/03/2020_1415 AP ButSemi T4 A Appley Buttley Elevs Terrace
- 04/03/2020_1415 Bm 2 A Beaumont Elevs
- 04/03/2020_1415 Dn 3 A Denton Plans Version 2
- 04/03/2020_1415 Dn 4 A Denton Elevs Version 2
- 04/03/2020_1415 Ap 4 A Appley Elevs Narrow Front
- 04/03/2020_1415 But 4 A Buttley Elevs Terrace
- 04/03/2020_1415 Fl 1 A Flats Plans
- 04/03/2020_1415 Fl 2 A Flats Elevs
- 04/03/2020_1415 But 3 A Buttley Plans Terrace
- 04/03/2020_1415 Hc 1 A Harcourt Plans
- 04/03/2020_1415 Bm 1 A Beaumont Plans
- 04/03/2020_1415 Hr 1 A Harleyford_Plans
- 04/03/2020_1415 Gr 3 A Double Garage Plans Elevs
- 04/03/2020_1415 Hr 2 A Harleyford Elevs
- 04/03/2020_1415 Gr 1 A Single Garage Plans Elevs
- 04/03/2020_1415 Kn 1 A Kinnersley Plans
- 04/03/2020_1415 Kn 2 A Kinnersley Elevs
- 04/03/2020_1415 Pt 1 A Petworth Plans
- 04/03/2020_1415 Gr 2 A Twin Garage Plans Elevs
- 04/03/2020_1415 Slt 2 A Saltram Elevs
- 04/03/2020_1415 Slt 1 A Saltram Plans
- 04/03/2020_1415 Pt 2 A Petworth Elevs
- 04/03/2020_1415 Hc 2 A Harcourt Elevs
- 04/03/2020_1415 AP ButSemi T3 A Appley Buttley Plans Terrace
- 04/03/2020_Superseded Site Location Plan
- 19/03/2020_1415_P101_D Revised Existing Site Plan
- 19/03/2020_Superseded 1415_P100_D Revised Site Location Plan
- 19/03/2020_Superseded 1415_P102_K Revised Proposed Site Layout
- 27/07/2020_Revised 1415 P104 D Refuse and Cycle Storage Plan
- 27/07/2020_Revised 1415 P103 C Enclosures Plan
- 27/07/2020_Revised 1415 P105 D Parking Plan
- 27/07/2020_Revised 1415 P120 C Proposed Street Elevations AA BB
- 27/07/2020_Revised 1415 P121 C Proposed Street Elevations CC DD
- 27/07/2020_Revised 1415 Ap 1 C Appley Plans L Shape
- 27/07/2020_Revised 1415 Ap 2 C Appley Elevs L Shape
- 27/07/2020_1415 But 4 A Buttley Elevs Terrace(1)
- 27/07/2020_1415 AP But1 But2 T2 A Appley Buttley 1 2 Elevs Terrace(1)
- 27/07/2020_1415 Bm 1 B Beaumont Plans
- 27/07/2020_1415 Dn 4 C Denton Elevs Version 2
- 27/07/2020_1415 AP But1 But2 T1 A Appley Buttley 1 2 Plans Terrace(1)
- 27/07/2020_1415 But 3 A Buttley Plans Terrace(1)
- 27/07/2020_1415 Gr 1 C Single Garage Plans Elevs
- 27/07/2020_1415 Gr 2 B Twin Garage Plans Elevs
- 27/07/2020_1415 Gr 3 B Double Garage Plans Elevs
- 27/07/2020_1415 Hc 2 B Harcourt Elevs
- 27/07/2020_1415 Hc 1 B Harcourt Plans
- 27/07/2020_1415 Fl 2 A Flats Elevs(1)
- 27/07/2020_1415 Hr 1 A Harleyford_Plans(1)
- 27/07/2020_1415 Kn 1 C Kinnersley Plans
- 27/07/2020_1415 Kn 2 C Kinnersley Elevs
- 27/07/2020_1415 Hr 2 A Harleyford Elevs(1)
- 27/07/2020_1415 Dn 3 C Denton Plans Version 2
- 27/07/2020_1415 Slt 1 A Saltram Plans(1)
- 27/07/2020_1415 Pt 1 C Petworth Plans
- 27/07/2020_1415 Pt 2 C Petworth Elevs
- 27/07/2020_1415 Fl 1 A Flats Plans
- 27/07/2020_1415 T6 Appley Buttley Elevs Semi
- 27/07/2020_1415 T5 Appley Buttley Plans Semi
- 27/07/2020_1415 Slt 2 A Saltram Elevs(1)
- 27/07/2020_1415 Bm 2 B Beaumont Elevs
- 27/07/2020_Site Location Plan
- 27/07/2020_Revised 1415_P102_K Site & Structural Landscape Plan - REV 5.1
- 27/07/2020_1415_P102_K Site DEVELOPMENT PHASING PLAN - REV5.1
- 27/07/2020_19030-200-C-Proposed Drainage Strategy
- 27/07/2020_19030-SK008-Proposed FFLs
- 28/07/2020_205368-A-02 Rev C Section 278 Works
- 28/07/2020_205368-SPA_01 Rev A Swept Path Refuse vehicle
- 28/07/2020_Agent email enclosing additional/revised Highway information
- 27/07/2020_Agent email enclosing revised plan
- 27/07/2020_Agent email enclosing phasing plan
- 27/07/2020_Agent email enclosing revised documents
- 29/07/2020_Agent email enclosing revised/additional information
- 15/09/2020_1415_ P100_G_Site Location Plan[1][1] (Revised)
- 15/09/2020_Revised 1415_P102_K Site DEVELOPMENT PHASING PLAN - REV5.2[1]
- 15/09/2020_Revised 1415_P102_K Site & Structural Landscape Plan - REV 5.2
- Officers Report
- Other Application Information
- 04/03/2020_Revised Transport StatementTS2
- 02/04/2020_Site Notice 20-0321-FUL
- 23/06/2020_ECC Appropriate Assessment 20.0321.FUL Broom Park Nurseries
- 27/07/2020_Superseded Geotechnical Investigation and Contamination Assessment Report 19506-GICAR-Broom Park Exeter Road Topsham Exeter Devon
- 27/07/2020_Revised 19030-A-Flood Risk Assessment and Draniage Strategy
- 28/07/2020_CIL, House Type & Plot Schedule - Site Plan REV 5.1
- 28/07/2020_N03-JCW-Highways Review-205368
- 28/07/2020_205368-Response to Topsham Society -V2
- 27/07/2020_Agent email enclosing revised information
- 29/07/2020_Revised Geotechnical Investigation and Contamination Assessment Report
- 30/07/2020_Reconsultation ECC Heritage A Pye
- 03/08/2020_Agent email enclosing Environmental Noise Impact Assessment
- 21/09/2020_Agent email enclosing Interim Archaeology report
- 23/09/2020_Applicant email agreeing Extension of time
- 12/07/2021_Email to agent/applicant enclosing Decision Notice
- 04/11/2021_20.0321.FUL and 21.1516.NMA CIL Social Housing Relief Decision Letter.doc
- 04/11/2021_CIL Liability notice.doc
- 02/11/2021_Redacted Broom Park - CIL Assumption of Liability
- 02/11/2021_Redacted Broom Park - CIL Commencement Notice
- 02/11/2021_Redacted Broom Park - CIL Social Housing Relief
- 02/11/2021_Applicant email enclosing Revised house type and plot schedule
- 04/11/2021_Email to applicant enclosing CIL Liability Notice and Social housing Relief decision letter
- 02/11/2021_Agent email enclosing CIL forms
- 05/11/2021_CIL Liability notice REVISED
- 08/11/2021_Agent email enclosing revised CIL Commencement Notice - Phase 2
- 14/12/2021_CIL Demand Notice (Public) Phase 2
- 13/12/2022_CIL Demand Notice Phase 1 (Public)
- 13/12/2022_CIL Revised Liability Notice (All Phases) (Public)
- 27/06/2024_Phase 1 - CIL – Payment Acknowledgement Notice - (Public)