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Document for application/appeal number: 21/0882
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- Application Details
- 28/05/2021_5059 PL53(A) Ground Floor Plan(1)
- 28/05/2021_Superseded 5059 PL56(A) Roof Plan(1)
- 28/05/2021_5059 PL54(A) First Floor Plan(1)
- 28/05/2021_5059 PL55(D) Second Floor Plan(1)
- 28/05/2021_1704-Topsham-Commercial Ventilation Statement-P2(2)
- 28/05/2021_12425 Exeter Road Topsham - GIR(2)
- 28/05/2021_20210325 Letter confirming no change Topsham drainage strat(1)
- 28/05/2021_CSA_4818_02B_AA 86 Beds - March 2021(1)
- 28/05/2021_Landscape and Visual Assessment db2-doc252628-manull-minull(1)
- 28/05/2021_Planning Statement 12.05.2021(2)
- 28/05/2021_REPORT A116502 Topsham Care Home Exeter Road AQ 16Apr21(1)
- 28/05/2021_REPORT-exeter-road-care-home -topsham-updated-noise-impact-assessment-210319-1429(1)
- 28/05/2021_TOPSHAM CARE HOME - Addendum DAS Rev A(1)
- 28/05/2021_TPrevA_compressed(1)
- 28/05/2021_TSrevA(1)
- 28/05/2021_5059 PL100 Planning Condition 3 and 5 Elevation(1)
- 28/05/2021_20016-ARC-XX-00-DR-C-0600-P2-EXTERNAL WORKS GA(1)
- 28/05/2021_20016-ARC-XX-00-DR-D-0003-P1-EXCEEDENCE PLAN(1)
- 28/05/2021_20016-ARC-XX-00-DR-D-0500-P1-DRAINAGE GA(2)
- 28/05/2021_CEMP Topsham Care Home - 30.04.2021 RevB(1)
- 28/05/2021_EXETER ROAD TOPSHAM_Microdrainage Calcs(2)
- 28/05/2021_Sustainable Drainage System Management Strategy(2)
- 28/05/2021_Land at Exeter Road Topsham Biodiversity Mitigation and Enhancement Plan FINAL 230321(1)
- 28/05/2021_Topsham Care Home Part L Report v01 30.03.2021(1)
- 28/05/2021_Superseded Topsham External Materials Schedule A(1)
- 28/05/2021_Waste Management Plan Procedure(1)
- 28/05/2021_11082 FE Design and Access Statement Rev C db2-doc490949-manull-minull(1)
- 28/05/2021_20020 - Drainage Strategy Report - Topsham P1 db2-doc508546-manull-minull(1)
- 28/05/2021_Preliminary Ecological Appraisal(1)
- 28/05/2021_Application Form
- 21/06/2021_Agent email re application description
- 29/06/2021_Email to agent enclosing Acknowledgement letter
- Comments and Objections
- 05/07/2021_Consultation Response - Fire & Rescue Service
- 06/07/2021_Consultation Response - Police Designing Out Crime Officer
- 12/07/2021_Consultation Response - Environmental Health
- 12/07/2021_Consultation Response - Environmental Health
- 19/07/2021_Consultation Response - South West Water
- 20/07/2021_Consultation Response - DCC (LLFA)
- 02/08/2021_Objection - Charles Duthie
- 27/07/2021_Consultation Response - DCC (Waste Management)
- 29/07/2021_Consultation Response - DCC (LLFA)
- 25/08/2021_Consultation Response - DCC (Waste Management)
- 03/09/2021_Consultation response - DCC (Highways)
- 08/09/2021_Consultation Response - Revised DCC (LLFA) response - 21 0882 FUL Care Home Exeter Rd Topsham 080921
- 10/09/2021_Consultation Response - RD&E NHS Trust
- Decision
- Drawings and Plans
- 28/05/2021_Superseded 5059 PL52(B) Elevations Sheet 3 (S.East)(1)
- 28/05/2021_Superseded 5059 PL51(B) Elevations Sheet 2 (N.West)(1)
- 28/05/2021_Superseded 5059 PL50(B) Elevations Sheet 1(1)
- 28/05/2021_Site Location Plan
- 28/05/2021_Superseded 5059 PL57 Site Layout Plan(3)
- 13/08/2021_Revised 5059 PL56(B) Roof Plan
- 13/08/2021_Revised 5059 PL52(C) Elevations Sheet 3 (S.East)
- 13/08/2021_Revised 5059 PL51(C) Elevations Sheet 2 (N.West)
- 13/08/2021_Revised Topsham External Materials Schedule B
- 13/08/2021_Revised 5059 PL50(C) Elevations Sheet 1
- 13/08/2021_5059_Topsham Care Home, Exeter Rd_Planning_86Bed_Issue Register_KWL
- 02/09/2021_Revised 5059 S-03(C) Site Layout Plan - Hard Landscaping
- Officers Report
- Other Application Information
- 29/06/2021_Consultation email
- 19/07/2021_Agent email enclosing Air Quality Asessment
- 22/07/2021_Consultant email providing further drainage information
- 27/07/2021_Agent email enclosing a CEMP and Air Quality Assessment
- 13/08/2021_Revised CEMP
- 13/08/2021_Agent email enlcosing updated drainage information.
- 13/08/2021_Agent email re revised plans
- 24/08/2021_Agent email enclosing further infrormation re Waste Management
- 24/08/2021_Agent email - confirmation of waste disposal site