Units currently available

Empty unit 

This page will be updated regularly when vacancies change.

As our units vary of size and type it is better to visit the Centre and view the Units.

There is no need to make an appointment there will be someone on reception each weekday from 9.00am to 2.00pm and they will be able to show you any vacant units you may be interested in.

If you decide to go ahead please complete the form below and we will forward a tenancy agreement for you to sign. A refundable deposit is required initially (refunded when you vacate) and the first month is rent free.


Units available
Unit Size Sq ft Monthly Rent (£, ex VAT) Deposit (£) 24 Hour Access Business Rates £/m (if applicable)
35  280 433 505 N 174.93
39 663 790 945 N 157.87
62 176 400 490 Y 74.67
65 430 763 883 Y 153.60
66 350 693 829 Y 125.87



Business rates

Business Rates are payable in addition to rent. However all Units are eligible for 100% small business rates relief provided you have only one Unit and it is your only business premises or you qualify for another business rates relief (for example Charities). Where multiple Units are held, relief will be applied to the largest Unit and rates will be charged for the remainder.

Companies who have other premises in Exeter or elsewhere will not be able to receive small business rates relief.

See the gov.uk website for or more information about rates relief available.

When this content has been updated

Last updated 30 May 2024