4. Skypark
The Skypark Business Park is a major new development and a key component of the wider Growth Point initiative.
The development will be a 107 acre site with planning permission for 1.4 million square feet of business space. The planning allocation will be made up of 60% offices and 40% B1/B2 light industrial with further space for ancillary development such as retail and a hotel. The development is predicted to cost £210 million.
The site will accommodate the Energy Centre that will serve both Skypark and the nearby Growth Point residential development, Cranbrook. Both developments will use sustainable building methods and the new buildings will be energy-efficient.
Skypark benefits from excellent transport infrastructure links. Work has already taken place to upgrade Junction 29 on the M5 to increase capacity and provide better access to the site. A new railway station at Cranbrook was opened in December 2015 and the site is located close to Exeter International Airport. An Intermodal Freight Terminal is also planned as part of the Growth Point and will include a rail link and distribution centre. For those who live nearby, there are good local cycle routes for daily commuters.
View the Growth Point website for more information about the Exeter & East Devon Growth Point and a map of the development. The site provides contact details for news on how the development is progressing.
A Commercial Property Register is available for Exeter and Heart of Devon listing all available offices, industrial units, investment property, shops, hotels, pubs, restaurants, leisure property and development sites.