4. Exeter projects
Year 1: Communities and Place
Design out Crime. Old analogue CCTV cameras around the City have been upgraded to digital cameras, providing considerably better quality video imaging.
Design out Crime. Body Worn Video Cameras have been purchased for officers undertaking enforcement activities across the city.
Year 2: Supporting Local Business
Parklets. Two new parklets have been installed in Exeter, one on Fore Street and the other on Musgrave Row. A parklet is an edge of street space that has been transformed into an enjoyable space bringing residents and visitors together in the City Centre.
Rougemont Gardens. One of the main paths has been redeveloped around the historic gardens, providing more access to residents and visitors, as well as the Red Coat Guides.
Creative Arc. A joint enterprise with the University of Exeter with the aim of building pride of place and increasing life chances across the city. The project will bring together creative practitioners, community groups, researchers and Design Thinking facilitators to explore the ways in which cultural activity can build ‘pride in place’.
Prosper General Business Support. Offers fully funded support for established businesses and for entrepreneurs looking to start, grow and develop their business. Prosper offers wide ranging support to help businesses achieve their goals for growth, including net zero plans, employment support and start-up support.
Prosper Greening your Business. Offers specific support for businesses to investigate the carbon reduction and net zero agenda, including; energy and resource efficiency, waste management, renewable energy and how they manage their carbon foot printing.
Exeter Innovation Hub. This will provide a City Centre facility from which organisations and individuals can access innovation and entrepreneurship support and resources from the University of Exeter. The Innovation Hub provides a space for local organisations to meet with members of the University of Exeter and other business support partners. It’s an opportunity to gain valuable insights on accessing a wide range of innovation and business growth support programmes tailored to you.
Year 3: People and Skills
City Centre Strategy. This will review the City Centre strategy to attract new visitors to Exeter.
Building Greater Exeter. A project to support the construction sector to strengthen local entrepreneurial ecosystems and support construction and the built environment related businesses at all stages of their development to start, sustain, grow, and innovate, including through local networks, and encourage them to adopt new technologies or processes. Building Greater Exeter will present a two-year programme of talks and workshops encouraging partner businesses to adopt new technologies or processes.
Urban Learning Academy. A joint project with CoLab, Exeter, providing community based adult learning - at times and in places that suit their needs.
Retrofit Skills Centre. In partnership with Exeter College, the Centre will support unemployed individuals to learn new green skills and qualifications to support the City’s transition to net zero.
Exeter Energy Grant. A grant to help residents make their home more energy efficient, and reduce their energy bills.
Exeter Skills Strategy Implementation. Providing support for continuation of the Skills and Employment Hub, located in Exeter Central Library, targeting employment and training advice to residents of Exeter aged 16 – 24 years old, and 50+.