Community watch

Do you care about what goes on in your community? Are you fed up with not being heard or feel your opinion doesn’t matter? More importantly, do you want to see central Exeter become a safer, friendlier, and stronger place which embraces everyone who lives and works in the area?

If so, here’s your chance to get involved.

One way the community can get longer lasting benefits from the Safer Central Exeter project is to form community watches.

Created through a network of local area co-ordinators, community watches are a way of bringing together people who care, are proud about where they live, and who want to take back their community for the benefit of all. For the central Exeter area, this could be in the form of neighbourhood watches and a Student Watch.

Similar to neighbourhood watches, student watches are all about bringing together the community together, and this time our student community, to think about how they can look out for each other, learn how to stay safe and through collaboration, get things done.

We want to encourage our communities to keep their eyes and ears open, use their local knowledge, report anything suspicious to the police, and most importantly, care for each other.

Do remember though that community watches don’t have to concentrate on crime prevention purely. They also encourage a community to engage more and find a united voice.

For more information please visit the Devon and Cornwall Community Watch Association.


Contact us

If you have any questions or requests please contact us.

When this content has been updated

Last updated 23 May 2023