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Report littering

You can report problems of littering and leaf litter or detritus on public land by using this form. You can also indicate if there are needles (Hypodermic syringes), sharps, or other evidence of drugs use contained in the litter.

Our enforcement officers have the power to issue on the spot fines of £75.00 to people caught littering.

Persistent offenders who dump rubbish can also be prosecuted with fines of up to £2,000 being imposed by the courts.


Start the journey


More info about the journey

You will need to give us a precise location of where the littering is taking place, including times if known

Once we receive your report, our enforcement officers will arrange to visit the site and investigate the issue.

You can also report littering to us by telephoning 01392 277888 and select the service you need.

When this content has been updated

Last updated 19 February 2024