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1. Overview

We welcome petitions and recognises that petitions are one way in which people can let us know their concerns.

People have the right to submit a petition to us about issues that we have responsibility for, or that are of major significance or general concern affecting the city.

All petitions sent or presented to us will receive an acknowledgement within 10 working days of receipt. This acknowledgement will set out what we plan to do with the petition.

Petitions which are considered to be vexatious, abusive or otherwise inappropriate will not be accepted. If a petition does not follow these guidelines, we may decide not to do anything further with it. In that case, we will write to you to explain the reasons.


Paper petitions can be sent to:

Corporate Manager Democratic & Civic Support

Exeter City Council

Civic Centre

Paris Street




E-petitions can be created, signed and submitted online, more information can be found on the e-petitions page.


Petitions can also be presented to a meeting of the Council. These meetings take place on a regular basis, dates and times can be found on the Committee Calendar. If you would like to present your petition to the Council yourself, please contact us.


If you would like your Councillor to present it on your behalf, please contact your Local Councillor direct at least 5 working days before the meeting and they will talk you through the process.