Exeter Vision 2040

Exeter 2040

On 17 December 2019 the Liveable Exeter Place Board met and agreed to adopt the vision outlined below.

Working together to bring about transformational change and sustainable growth. The Liveable Exeter Place Board is made up of representatives from leading public and private sector organisations from within the City of Exeter and Greater Exeter region.

“By the time they are an adult, a child born in Exeter today will live in a city that is inclusive, healthy and sustainable - a city where the opportunities and benefits of prosperity are shared and all citizens are able to participate fully in the city’s economic, social, cultural and civic life.”

Innovative and analytical city

Exeter will be a model of strong local democracy. Communities will organise themselves and use their assets and resources to reduce inequalities and create a sense of belonging. The city’s anchor institutions will drive local impact. Active, engaged citizens and communities will be empowered to create, share and use data to respond to shared problems and needs. Exeter will be a young people-friendly city and young people will have a meaningful voice in the decisions that affect them and their communities.

An innovative and analytical culture will support communities, businesses, civil society and public bodies to work together to solve the city’s challenges and achieve its ambitions. The city institutions work collaboratively with a coherence in pursuit of the city’s vision.


Healthy and inclusive

Exeter will be healthy and happy and local services will support people to live their lives well, in the ways that matter to them. Every resident will have a home that is secure, affordable and healthy in a balanced and connected neighbourhood that supports wellbeing and reduces social isolation.

Access to clean, secure and affordable energy will help to eliminate fuel poverty. Health, care and wellbeing services will be designed and delivered in partnership with the communities who use them.


The most active city in the UK

Exeter will be the most active and accessible city in England. Transport will not be a barrier to economic or social activities. Sustainable means of travel will be cheaper, quicker and more convenient than private car ownership. Land currently dominated by driving and parking will be freed up for social, economic and environmental uses. Air will be clean and healthy. A high-quality and accessible built environment and green spaces, with great arts and cultural facilities, will encourage healthy, active lifestyles.

A comprehensive network of safe routes will ensure that most everyday journeys are made by walking and cycling.


Accessible world-class education

Exeter will be agile and innovative. Economic growth will be clean, inclusive and resilient. Local supply chains will be stronger. Supporting the city’s businesses and social enterprises and keeping more money within the local economy. All residents will have access to world-class education and training, and meaningful, high-quality employment with fair wages. The life-changing benefits of access to and participation in arts, culture and physical activity will be realised. Employers will be able to recruit, nurture and retain a skilled local workforce as well as attracting the best global talent.


Liveable and connected

Exeter will be a liveable city, with a thriving city centre, within a network of thriving rural and coastal towns and villages. The impacts of growth will be managed and mitigated. Communities will lead development, helping to create a city. A city where everyone has access to the places and services which enable them to meet their needs and lead fulfilling lives. Urban planning will protect and enhance Exeter’s exceptional natural and historic environment, safeguard its iconic landscape setting, and encourage high-quality contemporary design that complements and enhances the city’s heritage.


A leading sustainable city

Exeter will be a carbon neutral city by 2030 and recognised as a leading sustainable city and a global leader in addressing the social, economic and environmental challenges of climate change and urbanisation. The Exeter of the future will have grasped the opportunities ahead of us today.



Exeter will be known nationally and internationally as a city of culture. It will innovate and lead in the area of the environment, wellbeing, cultural literacy, creative making and heritage innovation to build a living city where everyone thrives. Under its UNESCO City of Literature status Exeter will become a destination for writers and a city of readers. The city will use the power of literature and words to pursue a set of wellbeing goals to improve life for all.

When this content has been updated

Last updated 26 October 2022