Independent Person

Under the provisions of the Localism Act 2011, we are required to appoint an Independent Person. Thos role is to assist in promoting and maintaining high standards of conduct amongst our Elected Members.

All Councillors must comply with the adopted Codes of Conduct. Exeter City Council is responsible for considering complaints that Councillors may have breached their adopted Codes. Exeter City Council will seek the views of the Independent Person. These will be taken into account before a decision is made on an allegation of misconduct by a Councillor under the Code of Conduct. The Independent Person may also be consulted by the Councillor who is the subject of the allegation.


Current appointments

Mr Ian Brooking and Professor Brian Kirby were appointed to the roles of ‘Independent Person’ for the Audit and Governance Committee. Effective from 20 February 2018 for a four year term. 

The term of office was extended by a further four year term, to February 2026, following Members’ consideration of a report at the Audit & Governance Committee 1 December 2021 and ratified by Council at its meeting on 14 December 2021.

When this content has been updated

Last updated 20 January 2023