2024 Police and Crime Commissioner Election

2024 Police and Crime Commissioner Election

Please note: the Police and Crime Commissioner elections are taking place on 2 May 2024 and will run alongside the local election for Exeter City Councillors.

The Police Area Returning Officer (PARO)

Each police area has a Police Area Returning Officer (PARO) who has overall responsibility for coordinating the election and announcing the results of the Police and Crime Commissioner election in that area. 

The Police Area Returning Officer for the Devon and Cornwall Constabulary is Tracey Lee, who is based at Plymouth City Council.

Further information is available on the Plymouth City Council website.

However, each local authority within the police area will be responsible for conducting the election process within their own area.


Voting at a PCC election

The voting system for PCC elections has been amended and is now a ‘first past the post’ system. Therefore, ballot papers should be marked with one X against the candidate of choice. Do not make any other mark on the ballot paper or your vote may not be counted.


About Police and Crime Commissioners

Further information about the role of a Police and Crime Commissioner can be found on the following websites:

Association of Police and Crime Commissioners

Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon and Cornwall 


When this content has been updated

Last updated 5 March 2024