Public Art Strategy for Exeter

Our Public Art Strategy proposes that all art for the city, including public art, should meet the key criteria of quality, inclusion and sustainability, and that a shared set of values be adopted by all partners to foster positive collaboration.

The Strategy was commissioned by us has been drafted by Art Work Exeter, in partnership with the University of Exeter and Exeter Culture, to make the most of future public art opportunities in a growing city.

The Strategy sets out new ways of thinking about public art in the city and recognises the need for greater coherence and transparency around current practices.

Exeter’s aspiration to be a City of Culture is set out in our new Corporate Plan. It says Exeter will innovate and lead in the area of environment, wellbeing, cultural literacy, creative making and heritage innovation to build a living city where everyone thrives.

Public art has been recognised as an opportunity and an important platform for artists. It is fundamental to effective place-making and plays a key role in setting out a city’s intentions and identity.

The Strategy recognises that early stage collaboration makes it more likely that artwork will be more connected to place, and enables opportunities for creative engagement with the relevant community in the project’s design and development.

This will be crucial as Exeter expands with new neighbourhoods and communities in the years ahead.

Download and read the Public Art Strategy for Exeter.

When this content has been updated

Last updated 11 May 2023