Notice to Mariners

Local Notices to Mariners for Exeter Port Authority


Lateral Port Mark No.6 is off Station

Number: 19/24. Date: 24 July 2024

Notice is given that Lateral Port Mark No.6 is off station. The buoy will be replaced as soon as possible.

Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in this area.



Isolated Danger Mark

Number: 18/24. Date: 21 June 2024

Notice is hereby given that the isolated danger mark at the position below is now fully repaired and back on station.

  • 50°37.574'N
  • 003°26.583'W

Local Notice to Mariners: 12/24 (relating to the above) has now been cancelled.



Environment Agency Seagrass Survey

Number: 17/24. Date: 20 June 2024

Notice is hereby given that that the Environment Agency will be undertaking their annual survey of Seagrass using a hovercraft in the Exe Estuary on the 2nd and 3rd of July.

They will launch from Exmouth Slipway on the 2nd around 7:30 am and aim to be finished by lunchtime. On the 3rd July they will launch from Starcross about 9am and will be on the Dawlish side in the area of the Bight.

Masters of vessels are requested to keep clear of the hovercraft during the survey work.



Navigation mark number 5 returned to station

Number: 16/24. Date: 21 May 2024

Notice is given that navigation mark number 5 has now been returned to station at the charted position of

  • 50°36.379'N
  • 003°23.869'W

Local Notice to Mariners: 14/24 (relating to the above) has now been cancelled.



Event: Epic Bay Surf Ski Race 18 May 2024

Number: 15/24. Date: 10 May 2024

Notice is given that the Epic Bay Surf Ski Race will take place on 18 May 2024.

A surf ski is a single or double person paddle powered craft approximately 20 foot long.

Competitors - 100 max.

Start - 14:00 (All competitors to start together)

Finish (off water) 16:00

The race will start from the beach opposite the life saving club heading out to navigation buoy number 1 (in the area of Orcombe point) the competitors will then turn towards navigation buoy number 2 and then head towards Sandy Bay completing 3 laps before returning to the beach (total 10 miles).

Off shore marks will be yellow 2.5 m high inflatables. The course will be patrolled by 3-4 orange rescue boats and a larger race marshal vessel (RIB - call sign - Execaliber ) in the area of navigation mark number 2. VHF 16/ P5/P4 (Call sign - Exmouth beach rescue water safety)

Masters of vessels are requested to keep clear of the racing in this area during the event.



Lateral Starboard Mark No. 5 is off station

Number: 14/24. Date: 6 May 2024

Notice is given that Lateral Starboard Mark No. 5 is off station. The buoy will be replaced as soon as possible.

Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in this area.



Removal of Hazzard 400 metres east of Starboard Lateral mark No.23

Number: 13/24. Date: 24 April 2024

Notice is hereby given that the upturned sunken vessel approximately 400 metres east of Starboard Lateral mark No23 has now been removed.

Local Notice to Mariners: 12/24 (relating to the above) has now been cancelled.

Exe Safe Water Mark Light Reinstated

Notice is hereby given that the ‘Exe’ Safe Water Mark light (position below) is reinstated.

  • 50°35.903'N
  • 003°23.458'W

Local Notice to Mariners: 11/24 (relating to the above) has now been cancelled.



Hazzard 400 metres east of Starboard Lateral mark No.23

Number: 12/24. Date: 13 April 2024

Notice is hereby given that there is an upturned sunken vessel at the following position:

  • 50°38.345'N
  • 003°26.485'W

The vessel is approximately 400 metres east of Starboard Lateral mark No23.

Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in this area.

Isolated Danger

Notice is hereby given that the isolated danger mark at the position below has been badly damaged and is missing its shapes and light.

  • 50°37.574'N
  • 003°26.583'W

Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in this area.


Exe Safe Water Mark Light Extinguished

Number: 11/24. Date: 11 April 2024

Notice is hereby given that the ‘Exe’ Safe Water Mark light (position below) is extinguished.

  • 50°35.903'N
  • 003°23.458'W

The light will be replaced as soon as possible. Mariners are advised to navigate the entrance to the channel with caution.

Change of Light Sequence on No 26 - Museum

The consent of the Corporation of Trinity House under section 199(2) of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1995, is hereby conveyed to Exeter Port Authority for the following change:

  • No 26 – Museum – Light sequence has now been changed to FL. R 10s.

Removal of Redundant Aids to Navigation

The consent of the Corporation of Trinity House under section 199(2) of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1995, is hereby conveyed to Exeter Port Authority for the removal of the following aids to navigation:

  • N03755 – Clyst Entrance Beacon
  • N03757 – Topsham Outfall
  • N03758 – Topsham Outfall


Bull Hill

Number: 10/24. Date: 3 April 2024

Mariners are advised that after the recent winter storms, Bull Hill bank has spread towards the west. Lateral Navigation marks Little Russell, No 15, Hinton and No 17 may have to be consequently moved out to accommodate the movement of the bank to mark the deep water. A survey of the channel will be taking place shortly and when the data is reviewed the new positions of the buoys will be worked out.

Mariners are advised to navigate the current buoyed channel with caution and be aware of the shoaling depths.


Lateral Starboard Mark No. 29 light is reinstated.

Notice is hereby given that Lateral Starboard Mark No29 (Q.F.G) is reinstated.

Local Notice to Mariners: 09/24 (relating to the above) has now been cancelled.



Lateral Starboard Mark No. 29 light is extinguished

Number: 09/24. Date: 28 March 2024

Notice is hereby given that Lateral Starboard Mark No29 is extinguished.

The light will be repaired as soon as possible. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in this area.


Environment Agency Scientific Survey within the Exe

Notice is hereby given that the Environment Agency will be conducting a scientific survey within Exe Estuary on 4 and 5 April 2024.

The survey will involve underwater data capture and sediment grabbing for invertebrates, with associated particle size and background contaminant analyses for the assessment of protected features present. The sampling platform will be the 18 m survey vessel Solent Guardian (2GDK7) operated by Briggs Marine and Environmental Services Ltd. (SOLENT GUARDIAN, Law enforcment - Details and current position - MMSI 235096443 - VesselFinder). A grab with a sampling area of 0.1 m2, will be deployed from the stern gantry of the vessel to recover sediment from each target location.

Please find below the Survey Plan commissioned and produced by Natural England using digitised and fully licenced British Crown and OceanWise layers.

Grab sampling locations are plotted > 250 m from all offshore assets present and > 500 m from offshore platforms within the survey area. Skippers are briefed by the Scientist In Charge before the vessel leaves port to ensure everyone on board is familiar with the survey plan. When within range of coastal stations the survey vessel can be tracked in real-time via Marine Traffic and contact with other vessel traffic will be maintained via marine VHF.

Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in this area.

(Click on image for larger version)

Survey Plan



Lateral Port Mark No. 10 repositioned

Number: 08/24. Date: 20 March 2024

Notice is hereby given that Lateral Port Mark No. 10 (Light sequence FL.R.3) is now in the following position:

  • N50° 36.738
  • W003° 24.793

Local Notice to Mariners: 07/24 (relating to the above) has now been cancelled.



Lateral Port Mark No. 10 has returned to station

Number: 07/24. Date: 13 March 2024

Notice is hereby given that Lateral Port Mark No. 10 (Light sequence FL.R.3) is returned to station.

It is in the following position:

  • N50 36 728
  • W003 24 763

Please note this position will be adjusted when suitable weather allows.

Local Notice to Mariners: 05/24 (relating to the above) has now been cancelled.



Lateral Starboard Mark Little Russell has been repositioned

Number: 06/24. Date: 4 March 2024

Notice is hereby given that the Lateral Starboard Mark Little Russell (light sequence: FL(2)G.5s) has been repositioned. The new position is as follows:

  • 50°36.728'N
  • 003°26.003'W



Lateral Port Mark No. 10 is off station

Number: 05/24. Date: 18 February 2024

Notice is given that Lateral Port Mark No. 10 (Light sequence FL.R.3s) is off station. The buoy will be replaced as soon as possible.

Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in this area.



Exmouth Marina Dredger Operations

Number: 04/24. Date: 2 February 2024

Notice is hereby given that the dredger Mannin will be starting dredging operations from Monday 5th Feb for approximately 4 weeks.

The dredger Mannin will be operating from 08.00 to 18.00 Monday to Saturday and dropping spoil at Lyme Bay 2 (PO050) boat owners are advised that there will be no access to the marina while the Mannin is operating as there is a requirement for the silt curtain to be in place while dredging operations are happening.

If you have any questions or require further information, please contact Exmouth Marina: Marina Office, Pierhead, Exmouth, EX8 1DU

Tel: 01395 269314 


Exmouth Sea Outfall - Survey

Number: 03/24. Date: 10 January 2024

Notice is hereby given that the Survey Vessel, Nearshore Explorer will be undertaking MBES Survey operations ongoing throughout January and February 2024.

The works will comprise of non-invasive multibeam echosounder surveys (MBES), crew transfer and diving operations. The marine activities are expected to commence on or around 16th January 2024 and will be completed by the 12 February 2024.

The Nearshore Explorer shall be travelling daily to the works site from Exmouth Harbour.

The Survey zone for the works is identified below:

  • LAT N050° 36.4250’ LON W003° 21.4763’

  • LAT N050° 36.3708’ LON W003° 21.7364’

  • LAT N050° 35.9929’ LON W003° 21.1109’

  • LAT N050° 35.9123’ LON W003° 21.3547’

Schedule of activities is as follows:

Start date of activity On or around 16 January 24

Times of operation: 24 hours per day when required

End date of activity: 12 February 24

The exact start and finish dates will be dependent on the prevailing weather conditions and work progress.

Mariners are requested to remain where possible 500m from vessels and equipment.

Fishing vessels are requested to pass at a safe speed and distance and remain outside of the survey area identified. During these works the Nearshore Explorer will have restricted manoeuvrability during the works (MBES). All vessels can be contacted on VHF 16 for further information as required reference proximity / nearby operations etc.

Vessel Details: Nearshore Explorer-Catermaran Length 7.4 Beam 2.4 Draft 0.5m Gross Tonnage 0.82T
Call sign MDNG8 MMSI: 232016908 Telephone Contact Number: +44 (0) 7425 623 377

Email address: 

In the event of an emergency, please contact:

Stevan Foster – Operations Manager, Nearshore Surveys Ltd on behalf of ABCO Divers Limited, McCormack Drilling & Galliford Try

Tel: +44 (0) 7425 623 377 Email: 


Trench excavation – marine plant engagement

Notice is hereby given that the Backhoe Dredging Barge [BHD] [Capall Mara] & Crew transfer vessel [CTV] [Red Rubber] will be conducting trenching operations in support of Exmouth Sea Outfall project.

The works will be completed throughout January & February 2024.

Capall Mara will conduct open trench excavation and spoil cast in a SE linear direction from HDD exit to Outfall Diffuser. The trenching works will be contained within coordinated boundary as per Survey Locations table below. Red Rubber will support works transferring crew from nearby Exmouth Marina to dredge barge as and when required. The marine activities are expected to commence on or around 16 January 2024 and will be completed by the 12th of February 2024.

CTV Red Rubber shall be travelling daily to the works site from Exmouth Marina.

The Survey zone for the works is identified below:

  • LAT N050° 36.4250’ LON W003° 21.4763’
  • LAT N050° 36.3708’ LON W003° 21.7364’
  • LAT N050° 35.9929’ LON W003° 21.1109’
  • LAT N050° 35.9123’ LON W003° 21.3547’

Schedule of activities:

Start date of activity On or around 16 January 24

Times of operation: 24 hours per day when required

End date of activity: 12 February 24

The exact start and finish dates will be dependent on the prevailing weather conditions and work progress.

Mariners are requested to remain where possible 500m from vessels and equipment. Fishing vessels are requested to pass at a safe speed and distance and remain outside of the survey area identified. During these works BHD Capall Mara will have restricted manoeuvrability during the works (trenching). All vessels can be contacted on VHF 16 for further information as required reference proximity / nearby operations etc.

Vessel Details: Red Rubber – Rib: Length 6.5 Beam 2.6 Draft 1.0m Gross Tonnage 0.85T

Barge Details: Capall Mara - BHD Length 39.60 Beam 14.0 Draft 3.5m Gross Tonnage 500T

Call sign MBSF3 MMSI: 232010652 Telephone Contact Number: +44 (0) 7711 498 085 Email address:

In the event of an emergency, please contact:

Navindra Coonghe – Master, Capall Mara on behalf of ABCO Divers Limited, McCormack Drilling & Galliford Try

Tel: +44 (0) 7711 498 085 Email: 



Lateral Port Mark No 2 - light is reinstated

Number: 02/24. Date: 5 January 2024

Notice is hereby given that Lateral Port Mark Light is reinstated. (Light sequence FL(2)R5.s).

Local Notice to Mariners: 29/23 (relating to the above) has now been cancelled.


Lateral Starboard Mark No. 1 is Reinstated.

Number: 01/24. Date: 4 January 2024

Notice is hereby given that Lateral Starboard Mark No. 1 (Light sequence FL(2)G.5s) is reinstated.

Local Notice to Mariners: 27/23 (relating to the above) has now been cancelled.

Lateral Port Mark No 6 and Starboard Mark No 5 – Intermittent fault with lights.

Notice is hereby given that the light on Lateral Port Mark No 6 (FL(3)R5s) and Lateral Starboard Mark No 5 (FL(3)G5s) have intermittent faults (power failure).

The lights will be replaced/repaired as soon as possible.





When this content has been updated

Last updated 25 July 2024