Exeter Green Circle Walks

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4. The Ludwell Valley Walk

The Ludwell Valley Walk (almost three miles) - explores the Riverside Valley Park, passing over the historic Exeter Ship Canal and the River Exe with its weirs and former mills. In contrast through the Ludwell Valley Park the walk follows the quiet Northbrook overlooked by sloping meadows. Quiet roads and lanes link Wonford and Whipton with names that echo the former rural nature of the area such as Sweetbrier Lane and Woodwater Lane.

Download the Ludwell Valley Walk LeafletĀ [1MB]

Access information

Unsure whether you can manage the route? Click on the link below to download the leaflet for the whole route, showing which sections are accessible to all, and the nature of any obstacles along the rest of the path.

Note: since the leaflet was published, the section of the Ludwell Valley Walk (at Northbrook golf course) shown as "rough, muddy path" has been upgraded to a surfaced path.

The Whole Green Circle and its accessibility (2MB)