
The Fairtrade Foundation awarded Exeter Fairtrade city status in 2004. This means that it is formally recognised as a city with strong support for Fairtrade by local residents, businesses, schools, faith communities and community groups.

We host a Fairtrade city steering group which co-ordinates promotional activities.

There is particular focus in Fairtrade Fortnight in early Spring. For ten years Exeter has received a visit from a Fairtrade producer who has met the Lord Mayor, spoken at a Fairtrade Dinner hosted at Exeter College and met the people of Exeter on the High Street. 


In addition. regular activities have taken place at summer festivals, including Exeter Respect and at Christmas in Princesshay.

If you would like to get involved with Fairtrade locally please let us know by using our Contact Us form.

When this content has been updated

Last updated 13 June 2023

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