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Evidence base for existing adopted Local Plan

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7. Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA)

The Strategic Flood Risk Assessment evidence below was carried out to support the existing adopted Local Plan. New evidence is being prepared to support the emerging Exeter Plan. The most up to date evidence can be viewed on our Evidence base for emerging Exeter Plan.

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) Level 1

We completed an SFRA Level 1 in 2008.

This document provides an overview of flood risk with our boundaries. It aims to provide general guidance to planning officers, developers and other interested parties about areas where potential flood risk is an issue.

It is important that the SFRA is used in conjunction with the Environment Agency's own flood mapping data. If you are proposing development in an area with the potential for flooding you are advised to contact the Environment Agency for further advice.

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Main Report 2008 [3Mb]

Front map

Flood zone 2 & 3

Front map flood zone 3b

Flood defences

Extreme tidal flood extents

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) Level 2

An SFRA Level 2 has now been completed (2014). This document includes specific assessments in areas of higher flood risk and provides links to other sources of flood risk modelling (new sources of which will emerge over time). The SFRA Level 2 reduces uncertainty by increasing the quality and quantity of data to allow the application of the Exception Test.

It is again important that the SFRA Level 2 is used in conjunction with the Environment Agency's own flood mapping data. If you are proposing development in an area with the potential for flooding you are advised to contact the Environment Agency for further advice.   

SFRA Level 2 [108kb]

Seabrook modelling

Haven Banks modelling

Pinbrook modelling