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13. APPENDIX F: Statutory publicity requirements for applications

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Statutory publicity requirements for applications for planning permission and listed building consent

Applications for major development as defined in Article 2 of the Development Management Procedure Order (which are not covered in any other entry) - site notice or neighbour notification letter, newspaper advertisement and website.

Applications subject to Environmental Impact Assessment which are accompanied by an environmental statement – site notice, newspaper advertisement and website.

Applications which do not accord with the development plan in force in the area – site notice, newspaper advertisement and website.

Applications which would affect a right of way to which Part 3 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 applies – site notice, newspaper advertisement and website.

Applications for planning permission not covered in the entries above e.g. non-major development – site notice or neighbour notification letter and website.

Applications for listed building consent where works to the exterior of the building are proposed – site notice, newspaper advertisement and website.

Applications to vary or discharge conditions attached to a listed building consent or involving exterior works to a listed building – site notice, newspaper advertisement and website.

Applications for development which would affect the setting of a listed building, or affect the character or appearance of a conservation area – site notice, newspaper advertisement and website.