The New Local Plan – the Exeter Plan

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2. Full Draft Exeter Plan consultation (autumn 2023)

The Exeter Plan is the new name for the Local Plan. It will shape the future of Exeter for the next twenty years, to 2040, and will be the main planning policy document for Exeter.


What is the Full Draft of the Exeter Plan?

The Full Draft Exeter Plan consultation was the third round of consultation undertaken in the Exeter Plan making process. We used feedback from the previous two rounds of consultation to inform the Full Draft Exeter Plan. The consultation met Regulation 18 of national planning legislation. It built on the framework included in the previous Outline Draft and included:

  • The vision for the city.
  • A large number of policies covering different topics which will be used to steer planning applications.
  • Potential development sites for a mixture of uses including housing and employment.
  • A proposals map, which shows the extent of spatial designations and proposals contained within the Plan.

The following documents accompanied the Exeter Plan and the full draft public consultation:

  • Sustainability Appraisal of the Exeter Plan. This is an assessment of the likely effects of the Full Draft Exeter Plan on social, economic, and environmental issues.
  • Habitats Regulation Assessment of the Exeter Plan. This is an assessment of the Full Draft Exeter Plan on the internationally important sites for biodiversity in and around Exeter.


Consultation details:

The full draft consultation was the third round of consultation undertaken in the plan making process for the Exeter Plan which will cover the city’s development needs going forward. The full draft included the vision for the city, potential development sites for a mixture of uses including housing, a full set of proposed policies and a draft proposals map (policies map) of the city. Other sites may be included in the next round of consultation and policies may be amended or added based on the full draft consultation.

The full draft is available for download.

The full draft Exeter Plan was available for public comment for 12 weeks between 23 October 2023 and 15 January 2024.

During this consultation, officers from the Council spoke to more than 600 people at 15 face-to-face events in addition to taking the Plan to community groups and city stakeholders.

Almost 3,000 contributions from residents, businesses and organisations across the city were received.

These responses have been collated and analysed by the Local Plans team.

Download a summary of responses received during the consultation.



View details of the online consultation.