Monkerton & Hill Barton Masterplan

A Masterplan has been produced for the Monkerton and Hill Barton area of the city. 

The purpose is to provide a framework to guide the future development of a sustainable urban extension to the north east of the city. It will supplement policies in the adopted core strategy proposed submission and will be important for guiding future planning applications for the site. The Masterplan has been produced to enable to comprehensive development of this area through the planning process.

The consultation period ran from 1 March to 12 April 2010 and the consultation questions (March 2010) document is included below for reference.

Our Executive approved the Masterplan for development management purposes at meetings on 28 September 2010 and 23 November 2010.

Copies of these documents are also available to view at Exeter Central Library (reference sections) or by appointment at the Civic Centre - please contact us to arrange a viewing.

When this content has been updated

Last updated 14 June 2023