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Exeter Statement of Community Involvement

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7. Glossary

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Authority Monitoring Report (AMR)

A report on how we are performing on the implementation of the Development Plan policies e.g. statistics on housing land supply. The AMR is an important way in which we can keep communities informed of plan making activity.

Core Strategy

The Core Strategy is part of the current Development Plan and sets out the long term vision for the area and provides the strategic policies and proposals that will deliver that vision.

Development Plan

The Development Plan can be a single document or a number of documents that together provide adopted planning policy. For Exeter the Development Plan currently comprises the Exeter Core Strategy, saved policies from the Exeter Local Plan First Review, the Exeter St James Neighbourhood Plan and the Minerals and Waste Plans produced by Devon County Council. Planning applications must be determined in accordance with the Development Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise.

Development Plan Document (DPD)

These are planning policy documents prepared by Councils that set out the approach to development in the local area. In Exeter these include the Exeter Core Strategy, and the Exeter Local Plan First Review and the Minerals and Waste Plans produced by Devon County Council. DPDs are subject to community involvement, consultation and independent examination.

Exeter Connect

Exeter Connect is a partnership between Exeter Community Initiatives (ECI) and Exeter City Council, funded by Exeter City Council. Exeter Connect provides free, independent, professional and practical advice and support to existing and new community organisations in the city to help them develop and become self-sustaining.

Independent examination

Development Plan Documents are subject to an examination by a planning inspector to rigorously test legal compliance and overall ‘soundness.’

Local Development Scheme (LDS)

The LDS sets out the timetable for preparing the Development Plan. This includes details of the topics to be covered by individual documents.

Material considerations

A material planning consideration is one which is relevant to making the planning decision in question (e.g. whether to grant or refuse an application for planning permission). The scope of what can constitute a material consideration is very wide. However, as planning is concerned with land use in the public interest, the protection of purely private interests such as the impact of a development on the value of a neighbouring property or loss of private rights to light would not normally be material considerations.

Minerals and Waste Plans

Development Plan Documents, prepared by Devon County that set out the planning policy and proposals for mineral extraction and waste management. These documents cover Exeter.

National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)

This sets out the Government’s planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied. It provides guidance for local planning authorities and decision makers, both in drawing up plans and making decisions about planning applications. It must be taken into account in the preparation of Development Plan and is a material consideration in planning decisions. This is accompanied by Planning Practice Guidance which sets out how the NPPF is to be interpreted.

Neighbourhood Planning

This was introduced by the Localism Act 2011, and it gives rights and powers for local communities to shape new development by coming together to prepare Neighbourhood Plans. A neighbourhood planning process can be used to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan, a Neighbourhood Development Order or a Community Right to Build Order, or a combination of the three.

Neighbourhood Development Plan/Neighbourhood Plan

A plan generally prepared by a Neighbourhood Forum, which establishes planning policies for the development and use of land in a defined area. A Neighbourhood Plan must be in conformity with the Development Plan, and will undergo examination and a referendum.

Planning Inspectorate (PINS)

The Planning Inspectorate holds independent examinations by appointed Planning Inspectors to determine whether Development Plan Documents are ‘sound’. The Planning Inspectorate also handles planning and enforcement appeals.

Planning Practice Guidance

The Government’s detailed online, web based guidance on national planning policies, which adds detail to the National Planning Policy Framework.


This describes where a Development Plan Document is considered to ‘show good judgement’ and also to fulfil the expectations of legislation, as well as conforming to national policy.

Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)

This is a document that sets out how we will consult and involve the public in preparation of planning policy and in the determination of planning applications.

Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

These are generally topic specific documents which provide further information and details to support the implementation and delivery of policies in development plan documents. Guidance within SPD’s can be a material consideration in the determination of planning applications.