Data Protection

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5. Additional rights

Right be forgotten

What can I do if I want the council to erase information about me?

If we are holding information about you and you decide that you no longer want us to keep it, you can ask us to delete it. We will consider your request and wherever possible, erase the data in question.  This might be particularly relevant if the information was provided about you when you were a child or if the information is published on the internet. 

Although it will not always be possible for us to delete your information, we will be able to comply with your request if it is no longer necessary to keep it, if you consented to us processing your information and you now want to withdraw consent, if we have processed your information unlawfully or if we are required to delete it in compliance with a legal obligation.

There are some exceptions to this rule and there may be some cases where we are unable to comply with your request. For example, if we are required to keep your information by law.  Some information that we process, for example your council tax information, has to be kept for a specified period of time and we would be breaking the law if we erased the information before the specified time period was up.

If we are able to comply with your request we will delete your information without undue delay. If we are unable to comply with your request we will provide you with a detailed explanation of why we are unable to comply with your request. 

If you are unhappy with our decision you can make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Officer.



What if the information the council holds about me is inaccurate – can I have it corrected?

If you think that the information we hold about you is inaccurate you can ask for the information to be corrected. You can also ask us to record additional information about you if you think that the data we hold in incomplete.  Wherever possible, we will try to comply with your request without any undue delay.  We will also ensure that any other departments or contractors that hold your information are also made aware of the inaccuracies and rectify their records accordingly and that any links to your information on the internet are removed.

If we are unable to comply with your request we will provide you with a detailed explanation of why we are unable to comply with your request.

Whilst we make our decision you can ask us to restrict what we do with your information.

If you are unhappy with our decision you can make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Officer.


What other rights do I have?

You can ask for your information to be provided in a machine readable format so that it can be easily transferred from on IT system to another.  This may be useful if you want to switch suppliers.

You can ask us to stop making automatic decisions about you if the decision has been taken without any human intervention.

You can object to the council using your information if it is for one of the following purposes:

  1. information which we are processing about you because we believe it is in the public interest

  2. direct marketing

  3. information which we are processing about you for scientific/historical research and statistical purposes