Social media

Our Social Media House Rules

We are happy to help with queries from members of the public in any way that we can and looks forward to receiving views and feedback. We do however expect users to offer the same level of courtesy offered to them, and this is governed by a short set of house rules:

Immediate action will be taken on council accounts if content in any format (such as comments, videos, images, gifs, attachments, links, emojis) is:

  • defamatory, misleading or false
  • making allegations without any evidence that would be deemed slanderous and malicious
  • abusive or threatening – this includes swearing, adapted spellings with the same meaning etc
  • name-calling directed towards our employees, elected members or other platform users
  • intimidatory towards our employees, elected members or other platform users
  • inciting hate crime or hate crime words. Find out more about hate crime:
  • obscene, profane or sexually oriented language
  • discriminatory in any way
  • promoting illegal activity
  • promoting individual products or services
  • Promoting political activity
  • completely off-topic
  • the same message is posted multiple times, otherwise known as 'spamming'
  • controversial, irrelevant and off-topic messages, otherwise known as 'trolling'


We have automatic profanity filters on our pages. Comments which include a keyword in the filter will automatically be hidden so that it doesn't appear on the council’s page. The list of keywords includes terms relating to the bullet point listed above.

If content relates to the list above, it will be hidden or deleted, depending on the severity.

The Communication team will respond publicly to content and via direct message asking users to remove it immediately.

The Communication team can block access to social media pages if users do not amend or remove abusive content.

Depending on the content, screenshots of posts will be taken and legal action could be considered, or posts send to the police for investigation.

As standard, the Communications team does not disable comments from posts. But it is at their discretion to disable comments from posts if this is considered to be the right action to take to protect the public and employees.

Allegations against council employees and elected members

The council has a zero-tolerance approach toward fraud and corruption in the organisation. If an allegation is made on social media accounts against the council, its employees or elected members, the user will be asked to report it along with evidence via our comments and compliments webpage.

Allegations without any evidence that would be deemed slanderous and malicious against employees and elected members, may be reported to the police.

Our Social Media Accounts


Exeter City Council
Denis the Dustcart
Exeter Corn Exchange
Exeter Custom House
Exeter Farmer Market
Exeter Green Circle
Exeter Historic Guildhall
Exeter Housing Services
Exeter Port Authority
Exeter Quay
Exeter Red Coat Guided Tours
Exeter Underground Passages
Liveable Exeter
Lord Mayor of Exeter
RAMM (Royal Albert Memorial Museum)
The Matford Centre
Visit Exeter

Leisure Centres

Exeter Arena
ISCA Centre
Northbrook Swimming Pool
Riverside Leisure Centre
St Sidwell's Point
The Spa at St Sidwell' Point
Wonford Sports Centre


Exeter City Council
Exeter Historic Guildhall
Live and Move
Liveable Exeter
The Spa at St Sidwell's Point
Visit Exeter
Exeter Leisure
RAMM (Royal Albert Memorial Museum)


Exeter City Council
Building Greater Exeter
Denis the Dustcart
Exeter Corn Exchange on
Exeter Farmers Market
Exeter Historic Guildhall
Housing Access Together
Live and Move
Lord Mayor of Exeter
RAMM (Royal Albert Memorial Museum)
The Matford Centre
Visit Exeter


Exeter City Council
Liveable Exeter
Visit Exeter
Green Accord


Exeter City Council
RAMM (Royal Albert Memorial Museum)


When this content has been updated

Last updated 6 November 2023