Homelessness and rough sleeping prevention strategy

The strategy document combines an overview of the outcomes from the previous homelessness strategy (Exeter City Council - 2016-2021) with a review of current and profiling homelessness need in Exeter.


Information and learning from the above exercises has been used in setting out the key priority areas for further service development and growth of resources needed to reduce current and future profiled homelessness in Exeter. A number of working principles and a proposed governance structure are included with a view to improve strategic alignment and drive stakeholder engagement to consolidate service planning and delivery.


Set within the context of current economic and policy challenges the strategy fundamentally proposes five priority work areas with the following key objectives:

  • Ending Rough Sleeping – by end 2024
    • through further tackling “flow” onto the streets with closer working protocols and prevention activities with landlords, prisons, hospitals etc
    • by increasing bespoke supported housing option e.g. housing first, themed peer supported shared housing, crash-pads / respite, host schemes, private rented and social housing
    • by increasing health and treatment interventions and support aiding recovery from mental ill-health and / or harmful substance use
    • Increasing opportunities for positive life changes in education, training and employment


  • Increasing Homelessness Prevention
    • Increasing engagement with community services / partners especially in areas of high deprivation and homelessness risk
    • Pro-active working with partners in early identification of homelessness risk
    • Increased community in-reach including schools, children and family services


  • Progressing Health, Wellbeing & Recovery
    • Increase levels of support to people needing health treatment interventions e.g. substance use, mental and physical ill-health, social care needs
    • Maximising household income, money management and self-sustainability including opportunities in training and employment
    • Building more trauma-sensitive service delivery across all partners


  • Growing Inclusion and Enablement
    • Increasing opportunity for engagement and input from people with lived experience of homelessness in service design and delivery, policy leadership and progressive employment
    • Increasing outreach services to specific vulnerable groups e.g. domestic violence victims and perpetrators, persons with complex and / or multiple need, young persons
    • Widening accessibility for housing advice and homelessness support through diversifying engagement options e.g. in person, online information, digital access and self-assessment and increasing contact / service opening hours


  • Optimising Systems and Partnerships
    • Forming and maintaining multi-agency homelessness partnerships including a strategic homelessness reduction board and management partnerships for ending rough sleeping and integrating treatment and recovery services
    • Aligning strategy and commissioning agendas to increase co-commissioning / multi-disciplinary funding opportunities and joined-up business planning
    • Increasing shared and flexible resources across services including policies, staff and budgets, training etc
    • Increase workforce support and development resources to retain knowledge and skills and improve sector stability and resilience

These strategic priorities and their respective objectives will form the basis of action planning to be undertaken with stakeholders in order to maximise joined up engagement and delivery of services to reduce and minimise all forms of homelessness within the next five years.

Download the Exeter Homelessness & Rough Sleeping Prevention Strategy 2023-2027

When this content has been updated

Last updated 4 July 2023