Helping refugees

We are working with the Government and the County Council on the Locally Employed Staff Resettlement Scheme for former Afghan interpreters who were working with the British Forces.

Under that Scheme, we are looking to source private sector properties to offer to an eligible family. The county council will commission the support to assist the family integrate into the UK and Exeter.

If you know of anyone who may have a property they wish to rent that is vacant then please contact us on 01392 265819.

We have received a number of calls relating to making donations which are gratefully appreciated and show the generosity of the residents of Exeter. However, at this point we do not know the specific circumstances of any families relocating in Exeter so are not possible to take any physical donations such as blankets or clothing.   

If you wish to make a donation towards a family coming to the UK you can donate via the Government's How you can help refugees coming to the UK website.


In the longer term the Government has outlined their intention to allow refugees from Afghanistan to resettle in the UK. As we understand it, it will be similar to the Syrian Resettlement scheme that this council already supports, working in partnership with the other Devon district councils and the county council. We await the details of the Scheme announced in order to propose a way forward in supporting this new Scheme.

As we secure more properties it is our hope that we can offer support to more families across both schemes and our search continues.

When this content has been updated

Last updated 23 November 2022