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Hypnotism licence

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2. Apply for a hypnotism licence

If you want to show, demonstrate or perform a hypnotism act in public you'll need our consent.  You can apply for this online. 

You'll need to make a separate application for each performance.

We'll need to know:

  • personal details to include, full name and address, contact telephone number and email. Date of birth and stage name if applicable. 
  • details of membership to professional body.  To include full contact details of that organisation. 
  • details of any refusals/revocation of membership from any professional body.
  • details of any refusals or withdrawals of consent for hypnotism from any Local Authority. 
  • details of convictions under the Hypnotism Act 1952 or relating to the breach of a condition regulating or prohibiting the performance of Hypnotism. 
  • details of any public liability insurance.   
  • description of the proposed event including venue details, dates and times of the performance and the nature of the performance. 
  • details of last three performances of hypnotism to include venue details, date, description of act and contact number of the venue. 
  • telephone number on which the hypnotist can be contacted for up to 12 hours after the performance.  

Start the journey


More info about the journey

You will need information from your public liability insurance document

Following your application one of our environmental health officers will contact you to arrange an inspection.

If your application is granted, we'll send you your consent in the post.  

If your application is likely to be refused or have additional conditions added we will contact you.

What you can do if you haven't heard from us

It is in the public interest that we process your application before deciding if it can be granted. This means that you'll need to wait for our decision before you can carry out the performance. If after two weeks you haven't heard from us please contact us by email or telephone for an update.

If you would like to come into the office and speak to us about your application then please telephone 01392 265702 to make an appointment.

When this content has been updated

Last updated 24 May 2018