The New Local Plan – the Exeter Plan

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1. About the Exeter Plan

The Exeter Plan will shape the future of Exeter for the next twenty years and will be the basis for how the city continues to evolve and meet the needs of the community.

The Exeter Plan is the new name for the Local Plan. It will be the main planning policy document for Exeter, setting out where development should take place and providing the policies which will be used in making decisions on planning applications. Eventually, it will replace the current planning policies in the Core Strategy and the Local Plan First Review.

How have we got here?

The City Council started work on a new plan in 2020 and has been busy putting together the evidence needed to write the early stages of the Exeter Plan. The work was launched in autumn 2021 with an Issues Consultation which explained the key issues for the plan to address and started to look at what the pattern of development in the city might look like in future.

We used the input from that first Issues consultation to write the Outline Draft of the plan which was consulted on in autumn 2022. Feedback from the Outline Draft Exeter Plan was then used to help shape the Full Draft Exeter Plan which was consulted on in autumn 2023. The responses to the Full Draft Exeter Plan are now being reviewed and will be used in drafting the next version of the Exeter Plan due to be consulted on in autumn 2024.