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Private rented property complaints

We aim to ensure that landlords who provide rented accommodation in the city supply a good quality service to their tenants.

If you are experiencing issues with your private landlord or letting agent that you have been unable to resolve by contacting them directly you can use this form to contact us.

If your landlord has threatened you with homelessness or you need support to prevent you becoming homeless (for example the affordability of the property you currently live in) then please contact our Housing Advice team, - we may be able to help even if notice has not been served



Start the journey


More info about the journey

  • your name and address
  • details about your complaint
  • any photos that show the problem
  • your landlord's details

You will be sent an email to confirm that your complaint form has been received and our Private Sector Housing team will contact you shortly.

We will carry out assessments of any defects under the Housing Health and Safety Rating System.  Some of the common issues found in private accommodation are:

When this content has been updated

Last updated 15 August 2023