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Key priority: Promote Digital Inclusion

Key priority: Promote Digital Inclusion

We would like to support projects and ideas that promote digital inclusion. As more and more services move to an on-line presence it is important that all residents have access to training, equipment and support to enable them to make the best use of digital services to help make dealing with the administration of life a little easier.  Having skills in digital media also helps people keep in touch with family and friends across the world. We recognise that there are many residents who do not have the equipment or ability to be able to make full use of resources available. Anything your group can do to help promote digital inclusion in your community will be eligible for grant support.

Examples of projects that could receive funding under this priority:

Digital Inclusion Project – Make a laptop or tablet available for residents to use in your community building and offer volunteer time to support a neighbour to get online, or to be able to face-time a member of their family, use social media, order shopping or complete forms.


Our other key priorities

  1. Address Inequalities 
  2. Improve Health and Wellbeing 
  3. Get People Active 
  4. Support Communities Working Together to Address Local Needs 
  5. Encourage Volunteering 
  6. Improve Where We Live
  7. Support community-based arts and cultural activities

When this content has been updated

Last updated 25 June 2024