Key priority: Support community-based arts and cultural activities

We would like to support projects and ideas that are themed around community-based arts and culture.

We recognise that such activities and projects can be therapeutic for many people, and support their mental wellbeing. Such activities and projects can also be an effective way to engage children in meaningful learning.

Examples of projects we have funded under this priority

Krafty Kafe – This is a local group comprised of crafts, i.e., making pottery, cards, decorations etc. which enables local residents to get involved in arts and culture themed activities. Initially the group started in Wonford but expanded to the St Davids area with the help of City Council funding.

Arts during Community Warm Bank sessions – This project provided community arts sessions facilitated by a local community artist, to give users of community warm bank sessions something to do during the cost-of-living crisis. The addition of the art activities helped make the community warm bank sessions more welcoming and inclusive, help in remove stigmas to attending and enable residents to build new connections through shared activity.


Our other key priorities

  1. Address Inequalities 
  2. Improve Health and Wellbeing 
  3. Get People Active 
  4. Support Communities Working Together to Address Local Needs 
  5. Encourage Volunteering 
  6. Improve Where We Live
  7. Support community-based arts and cultural activities
  8. Promote Digital Inclusion

When this content has been updated

Last updated 29 May 2024