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Find and comment on a planning application

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1. How to make a comment

Only comments made in writing can be taken into consideration when deciding on a planning application.

When a consultation is open, the best way to comment on the application is via our online planning application facility. First of all, search for the application using the number reference you’ve been given.  If you’ve been given 20/0020/FUL, you just need to search 20/0020. Then click on "comment" to add your representation.

Alternatively you can write a letter. But please remember to include the planning application number so we can allocate it to the correct case.

Comments received will be taken into consideration in the determination process. But queries raised unfortunately won’t be responded to individually.

If you have a case-specific question, it’s best to call the Case Officer.

After you’ve submitted your comment, you’ll be able to view it online. This also applies to both letters and emails. Please check the "Documents" tab if you can’t see your comments as it may be saved there.

Please also be aware that only comments on planning matters can be considered. Views we think are personal or inappropriate may be removed.

Anonymous Comments

We are legally required to make comments available for public inspection. We cannot provide anonymity or accept comments marked 'private or confidential'. In such instances they will be returned; where anonymous they will be destroyed.

Offensive comments

Comments that contain of the following statements will be returned or destroyed as above. They will not form part of the application documentation

  • offensive
  • racist
  • discriminatory
  • threatening
  • other non-relevant statements

We may seek to validate the identity of people who post comments and will remove any comments where this validation cannot be confirmed.