Strategies, policies and plans

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6. Environment and planning

Electric Vehicle Strategy

This strategy covers road vehicles powered by electricity. It includes vehicles with or without assistance from some other fuel source. It does not extend to other types of low emission vehicle (LEV). For example: those powered by hydrogen fuel cells.

Street naming and numbering policy

Exeter City Council is the street naming and numbering authority in Exeter. We have adopted the Town Improvement Clauses Act 1847 for this purpose.

Community Infrastructure Levy Instalment Policy

Exeter City Council has introduced a CIL Instalment Policy. This applies in all cases where the total CIL liability is greater than £50,000.

Planning Enforcement Plan

At Planning Member Working Group on 22 March 2016 the City Development Manager presented a report informing Members of the preparation of an Enforcement Plan. This provided a framework within which the Council exercises its enforcement function under the Town and Country Planning Act and associated legislation. Planning Member Working Group endorsed the Plan.

Protocol for unauthorsied encampments (caravans & vehicles)

This Protocol is intended for use where an unauthorised encampment is reported on Council land. It has regard to the requirements of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister’s document “Guide to effective use of enforcement powers - Part 1: Unauthorised encampments” February 2006. One aim of which is to help strike a balance between the needs and legitimate expectations of members of the settled community, local businesses and other landowners, and Gypsies and Travellers.