Energy Company Obligation

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4. Residents – ECO Flex

The Energy Company Obligation is an obligation on energy suppliers to help households cut their energy bills and reduce carbon emissions by installing energy saving measures. Flexible Eligibility focuses on households in fuel poverty or with occupants on low incomes or who are vulnerable to the effects of cold homes.

The ECO Flex Process:

  1. A householder can make contact with an agent or installer or may have been contacted directly. A householder cannot apply for the ECO Flex scheme directly.
  2. The agent is instructed by the householder to undertake a survey of their property. This survey assess factors such as heating, insulation, room sizes etc. and will result in a financial offer for what works the energy company can fund to raise the energy efficiency of the dwelling. It is likely that you will receive multiple measures, including insulation measures, where it is both possible and cost-effective to do so due. If the cost of works is below the financial offer from the energy company, the grant will proceed free of charge to the household. If the cost of works is greater than the offer from the energy company then there may be a financial contribution for the client to make. Ensure that you are aware of the full cost of works and if there is any requirement for a customer contribution to complete works.
  3. With the agent or supplier, the householder completes and signs the online Householder Declaration Form to confirm eligibility against our Statement of Intent.
  4. The agent or installer will receive authority from us to proceed with the work based on the information contained in the Householder Declaration. You are under no obligation to proceed with the works.
  5. The agent or installer will produce a quote with a detailed summary of work and if you are happy to proceed a date for install is agreed by the householder and installer direct.

 Please note that:

  • The council’s role in the process is just to confirm household eligibility based on the Statement of Intent and the information in the Householder Declaration
  • Exeter City Council does not provide the ECO funding. Funding is provided directly to the installers by the national energy providers. The contractual relationship is between the householder and the installer. Our involvement is directly limited to the publication of the Statement of Intent and to produce a declaration for eligible households.
  • Inclusion in the SOI does not guarantee a measure will be installed in your home by an energy supplier. Decisions by energy suppliers on whether to install a measure may depend on:
    1. survey carried out by suppliers, or their agents / contractors and installation costs calculated,
    2. the energy savings that can be achieved for a property,
    3. whether suppliers have achieved, or are close to achieving, their targets, and
    4. other commercial considerations.