Organising your event, advice, responsibilities and notifying us

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3. Organising your event safely

Organising safe events

Organising a safe event is all about thinking, and planning ahead. The level of detail in your planning should be proportionate to the scale of the event and the degree of risk.


It will useful to decide up-front who will support you with your duties as an event organiser. Whatever the scale of the event, make sure there is a clear understanding within the organising team of who will be responsible for safety matters. For organisations with five or more employees, this is likely to be driven by the company’s health and safety policy.


If your event includes building temporary structures like stages and marquees, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has some additional information that may be useful when making your event management arrangements.


Planning ahead

As the event organiser, identifying these key factors about your event will help in planning for your safety measures:

  • scale, type and scope of the event

  • type and size of audience

  • location and access

  • duration of the event

  • time of day and year the event will be held


These considerations will help you to determine what resources and facilities will be required.