2. Equality, diversity and inclusion
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Equality objectives
Please note: we are currently reviewing our objectives.
Below we have listed our corporate equality objectives for 2021/22.
- Implement and hold four meetings per year of the Equality & Diversity Champions Group to help develop ideas and provide feedback between the Corporate Equality & Diversity Group and services.
- Ensure all staff and councillors are sufficiently are aware of their responsibilities under the Council’s Equality and Diversity Policy:
- Carry out equality and diversity training and awareness needs analysis
- Develop training and awareness raising policy
- Develop training and awareness raising plan which may include:
- Rights and responsibilities
- Customer and community needs
- How to conduct Equality Impact Assessments
- Develop and publish, on an annual basis, a statistical evidence base for internal use, broken down to protected characteristics, to support ongoing work including Equality Impact Assessments. This should include:
- Data on Exeter population including health, education, employment and engagement with public life
- Usage of and satisfaction with Exeter City Council services
- Workforce data including recruitment, retention, grades and complaints under the Dignity at Work policy
- Consider how to use the Equality Impact Assessment process for internal policy and procedure development
- Consider how service plans can include equality and diversity issues
- Internal Audit focusing on Equality Impact Assessments