Organising your event, advice, responsibilities and notifying us

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5. How to advertise your event

We can not advertise your event for you, but we do run the very popular Visit Exeter website.

Visit Exeter lists lots of events that happen throughout the year in and around Exeter. If you think it would be appropriate and helpful for your event to be seen on the website, please submit an event to

Please note:

  • Visit Exeter is not obliged to list events submitted here and reserves the right to edit or decline any event
  • If we feel your event is not relevant to the Exeter visitor it will not be added
  • Events must occur at a venue or location within Exeter or the nearby surrounding area


Advertise with us

Exeter City Council offers effective and competitively priced advertising on a range of digital, print and outdoor platforms. These can help you reach hundreds of thousands of people across Exeter

With a population of 130,000 and over 2.5million visitors a year, Exeter is the perfect city to advertise and promote your business or event.

Outdoor and digital advertising offers a fantastic opportunity to engage with the city and reach people in an uninterrupted format. The options offered by Exeter City Council within the advertising pack demonstrate the strength of advertising to be impactful and to engage directly with your audience.