2. Unable to reduce City Council Scope 1 direct emissions
Risk Title and Description
Unable to reduce City Council Scope 1 direct emissions from owned sources (fuel consumption and company vehicles).
Service: Net Zero & Business
Date identified: 15 June 2022
Owner: Net Zero Project Manager
Target implementation date: 2030
Potential Causes:
- Inability to plan for net zero due to uncertainty of assets disposal
- Lack of financial resources to make changes within each service area
- Lack of full funding and /or match funding where business case is not viable
- Lack of asset condition data and investment audits
- Funding packages do not fit with City Council corporate priorities or eligibility match
- Lack of capacity in managing external funding bids and delivery of multiple projects
- Covid impact and temperature effect (reduced heating due to warmer temperatures) show decline in emissions but mask lack of efficiency
- Lack of investment in Leisure stock by previous operator
- Lack of specialist vehicle replacement
- Electrical replacement availability
Potential Impacts:
- Backlog of projects and initiatives developed
- Some innovative projects not able to progress with low feasibility or asset uncertainty
- Net Zero projects stalled, due to lack of external/internal funding
- City Council unable to achieve net zero by 2030
Existing Mitigations & Control
What has been done to control the risk?
- Investigate potential sources of funding and optimisation of PSDS
- Regular discussions with other local public organisations to evaluate joint funding bids
- Development of a comprehensive business case presented
- Engagement with Procurement
- BMS upgrade and EMIS secured through PSDS funding to provide better data
- A wide range of housing measures to reduce emissions from domestic housing stock is supported by better data and a range of effective measures around energy efficiency
- Water Lane Solar Farm battery storage in place, directly connected to EV charging infrastructure to support full electrification of fleet
- Electric RCV's purchased, electric vans and pool car in operation
- Report commissioned to support whole fleet electrification and equipment across all services
- City Heat Network feasibility study being conducted
- Alternative fuel for fleet vehicles being investigated
- External funding streams sought from PSDS, Sport England, MEND and internal invest to save opportunity
- Investment grade decarbonisation audits to be carried out on a priority basis, to target available grants to establish work needed and cost
Further Mitigations & Controls to be put into place
- Continue to monitor and seek funding opportunities and establish business case for viable projects
- Regular discussions with DCC & LEP to secure funding for Exeter region
- Detailed decarbonisation plans needed to deliver more aggressive measures for decarbonisation in high consumption buildings
- Greater asset management capacity needed to deliver energy efficiency for property maintenance
- Continue to investigate leasing options and availability of alternative fuels, in addition to electric fleet and equipment across all services
Funding required is limited by scope of grants, and current financial instability including cost of borrowing.
Risk scores
Risk | Score |
Likelihood | 3 |
Impact | 4 |
Risk score | 12 |
Risk | Score |
Likelihood | 2 |
Impact | 4 |
Risk score | 8 |