Net zero risk register

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8. Risks to tenants and leaseholders health, wellbeing and operationally from increased exposure to extreme weather in homes and corporate buildings

Risk Title and Description

Risks to tenants and leaseholders health, wellbeing and operationally  from increased exposure to extreme weather in homes and corporate buildings.

Service: Net Zero & Business

Date identified: 6 February 2023

Owner: Net Zero Project Manager

Target implementation date: 2030

Potential Causes:

  • Building regulations, strategies and planning reforms regressing, resulting in standards that Council homes are currently built at to fall backwards
  • Lack of funding resulting in inability to retrofit existing Council homes and corporate buildings

Potential Impacts:

  • Detrimental to tenants' physical and mental health and wellbeing and operational use of leased buildings
  • Tenants moving out of leased buildings


Existing Mitigations & Control

What has been done to control the risk?

  • All new Council housing built to Passivhaus standards, a highly energy efficient future-proofed standard that assesses future overheating
  • Retrofit programme underway to build resilience in existing homes and leased corporate property


Further Mitigations & Controls to be put into place

  • Continue to monitor and seek funding opportunities for retrofit to remaining housing stock and corporate property estate
  • Continue to use City Council news and social media communication platforms to notify and advise of upcoming adverse weather forecasts



Extensive retrofit programme as part of a ‘fabric first’ strategy - detailed in the Carbon Reduction Plan.


Risk scores

Inherent risk
Risk Score
Likelihood 3
Impact 2
Risk score 6


Residual risk
Risk Score
Likelihood 2
Impact 2
Risk score 4


Risk scores explained