Pest control

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1. Overview

Our pest control service offers advice and treatments for a range of insect and rodent infestations.

We charge £27.00 to customers for a survey and advice site visit to your home. The pest control officer will advise how best to treat the pest, suggesting safe methods for treatment, baiting points and ways to protect the bait and non-target species. If after the visit you want us to undertake the treatment rather than use a private contractor or self-treat, then the cost of the site visit will be deducted from the treatment cost.

There is a 50% reduction of the charge for a survey/advice site visit where the householder/tenant is on income support, income based job seekers allowance, income related employment and support allowance and guaranteed pension credit. Proof of benefits will be required before treatment can be carried out.

When a pest control problem is reported to us we aim to book the appointment within a 48 hour period (week days only) although on most occasions this is often possible within 24 hours.

All poisons used are applied by the pest control officer who will ensure the safety of the public and minimise damage to the environment.


Payment for our treatments must be made in advance of the appointment. We do not accept cash unless paid at the Customer Service Centre, prior to the appointment:

  • cheque made payable to "Exeter City Council"
  • debit or credit card over the telephone

If our professional pest controllers are unable to undertake a treatment (for example because there is no safe access), you will be charged the survey fee. A refund of the difference will be arranged if you have already paid for a treatment.


Complaints about rats on other people’s land

If you are concerned about pests on land that you do not own or occupy please record a complaint using the Report an environmental health issue form.


When this content has been updated

Last updated 31 May 2019